About me

My interest in the human mind fascinated me even as a teenager. Back then, I satisfied my longing through books and films with the clear desire to understand why people behave the way they do. Over the last two decades, my youthful passion developed into my vocation: through various training courses, experience as a volunteer in a psychiatry and, most importantly, through my own coaching experiences, I found my way into psychological coaching.

Many of the issues I have dealt with over the years had a lot to do with myself: as a teenager and even as an adult, I suffered from anxiety and the extremely stressful thought loops that developed from it: the fear of exams, relationship anxiety, the fear of not being good enough and the urge to constantly perform and do, even as a mother for my son.

These fears were very inhibiting and significantly impaired my quality of life. They also forced me to lead a life that was not authentic, but merely remained in the socially accepted functional mode.

This changed when I embarked on my development path. I sensed that many things were wrong and wanted to understand myself better. I dived deep into my own developmental trauma and focused intensively on my birth and the prenatal phase. I gained some important insights in the process. However, the most profound changes only occurred when I not only worked mentally, i.e. dedicated myself to speaking and understanding, but also integrated my body into the coaching process. This was the turning point that led me to dedicate myself to my passion of accompanying people on their development path.

I realized that there are no good and bad feelings, but that all feelings have their place and want to be felt, without exception.
I realized that I could not experience true joy until I faced my shadows, especially my biggest fears. Just as Yin and Yan complement each other, so do our feelings. Everything is allowed to be! It wasn´t about understanding it cognitively, but feeling it with every fiber of my body.

The more I really felt my body, the more I was able to live in the here and now: the beauty of the red autumn leaves touched me, a squirrel playing in the tree made me smile, my son´s smile became something special and that was just the beginning. My fears and thought spirals dissolved, my relationships improved. I learned to regulate my nervous system (a skill we learn from our parents in childhood as we can´t regulate ourselves in this early phase) and felt the deep satisfaction this brought.

Today, I have extensive knowledge on these topics, effective tools that I would like to give you on your development path and plenty of self-awareness. I consider the latter in particular to be crucial in order to be able to accompany you well. So set out on your own path, it is so worth it!

It´s best to bring an open mind and curiosity for this exciting process. Every path is unique.

My Qualifications

- freelancer with the psychologist Jennifer Subke
- Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
- Methods of counseling and conversation, Institute for Transactional Analysis and Social Competence in Stuttgart (2 years)
- State-approved training as a psychological counselor, Impulse e.V. (2 years)
- Basic module 1 SEI® - Recognizing and healing early injuries and developmental trauma, Dami Charf
- Voluntary work in psychiatry (3 years)
- 14 years of experience in sales, including 5 as a manager
- Diploma in business administration (Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg)
- Several years of self-awareness, which is of great importance for good coaching.